To install Enthought Python onto an offline machine:
- Install EDM on both the offline machine and an internet-connected machine.
- On the connected machine, use EDM to create your desired Enthought Python environment.
- Use EDM to export that Python environment to a "data bundle" file (a specialized zip file).
- Transport the bundle file to your offline machine.
- On the offline machine, use EDM to import the bundle file.
For information about bundle files, see
Simple example with just a few packages:
Some of the commands shown (--help and list) are only informational, and can be skipped after you understand the process.
On your connected machine, enter the following commands:
edm --help edm env create my-test-environment edm env list edm shell -e my-test-environment
edm install --help edm install -y numpy matplotlib jupyter edm list
edm env export -i -f my-test-bundle.zbundle
Transport the exported .zbundle file to the offline machine, then enter the following commands:
edm env import my-test-environment -f my-test-bundle.zbundle edm env list edm shell -e my-test-environment edm list ipython
Starting with an Enthought-curated bundle
As a convenience, if you use the Enthought Extension for Visual Studio Code on your connected machine, you can create an environment based on the "GettingStarted" bundle of over 140 Enthought-curated packages.
- To install the Extension and create such an environment, see Using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) as an IDE with the Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM).
- Then you can optionally use EDM to modify this environment (add or remove packages).
- Then export / transport / import your customized bundle as above.
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