Windows: On some systems, admin users cannot immediately install "for all users"

On Windows Vista and above with User Access Control (UAC) enabled as is usual, the msi installer does not enable the "Install for All Users" option, which is required to install Canopy to "Program Files". In this case, you need to start the installation from a command prompt with elevated privileges, by doing these steps exactly (even if you are already an administrator):

  1. Type "cmd" in the start menu text entry box.

  2. Right-click on the "cmd" program which appears at the top of the start menu and select "Run as Administrator".

    (Sys admins: to automate this escalation step, you can use SysInternal's "PsExex -h", described at .)

  3. On systems with more than one user please go to this article:
    "Installing Canopy 2 on Windows for classroom/lab use"

    Otherwise (for a single admin user to install into Program Files but still have all the Canopy User Python files placed into in your own profile, as is the default), continue here:

  4. At the command prompt, type the following (type the actual path and filename instead of "c:\<path-to-canopy-installer-file>.msi"): 
    msiexec /i "c:\<path-to-canopy-installer-file>.msi" ALLUSERS=1
  5. If you are presented with a dialog asking you whether to install for all users or for just this user, select "All Users".

These are Microsoft's recommendations for installation on UAC-enabled systems. Please contact us with further questions.



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Please use article comments for suggestions to improve the article. See "How to submit Enthought Canopy/EPD support requests".

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    Terry Bradley

    These instructions are not working correctly with the canopy-1.4.0-full-win-64.msi installer -- it hangs somewhat on starting the installation, then appears to be "validating" correctly, then throws a network error ...    I have followed the above instructions exactly - and the .msi is located locally, not on a network share.  Any suggestions?  Thanks...

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    David Thompson

    Its not working for me either. The error message I get in the windows command line is: "The system cannot find the file specified".

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    David Thompson

    I was able to get it to work. At the command prompt I had initially failed to type in the correct path and filename. I relocated the file on my computer, created a shortcut and then copied the link from the properties box of the shortcut, and pasted this in at the appropriate place in the command line. It worked. I realized that the path has to be in quotation marks to run correctly. I also learned that even though my command prompt says C:\windows\system32 it is able to install a 64 bit application. I'm sure this is terribly basic for many, but hopefully may be helpful for a few like myself who are starting with little knowledge of these things.

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    mark conley

    "the system cannot find the file specified" is all i get, help ....

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    Terry Bradley

    David, glad you were able to get it to work - but that was not the source of the issue in my case.  ;-)

    The 1.4.1 version installation appears to work "better", but will still throw an error dialog at the end of the installation:  "Found invalid installation in C:\CanopyEnvironment\System! We will reset your Canopy environment to provide you a working installation. Your user data and packages will be preserved." 

    Well, that's bogus - this is a (relatively) new desktop, with no prior Canopy installation.  Clicking OK kicks to a successive dialog: "Please wait - Cleaning up broken install..." - which chews for a while, and returns to the "invalid installation" dialog. Clicking OK on this 2nd occurrence puts me back to the "Cleaning up broken install..." dialog, which chews for an even longer time, but finally begins setting up the Canopy environment, and starts the IDE.

    Mark, how are you specifying your installer file path?

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    Christopher Karystianos

    Instructions worked as described for me errors! (Windows 8.1 , Canopy 1.4.1). Thank you ! (It was very annoying to waste 2GB in the AppData folder.)

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    Mark Stevison

    Has anyone had any success deploying Canopy with SCCM 2012?  I am able to get it installed using the command above but cannot figure out how to get the PsExec, SCCM and a batch file to play well together.

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    Jonathan March

    @Mark, not clear what your use case is, but for multi-user / network installs, have you looked at ? Feel free to email if you'd like to provide details.

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    Matt Roush

    No luck using SCCM2012 for me either. The above command works, but still will not run the program for non local administrator accounts (student accounts). I have set the canopy.exe to run as administrator for all users, and still will not run. The error is in setting up the environment, Is there any other info on this? Project Lead The Way class at a standstill....

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    Jonathan March

    To Mark & Matt's questions above, see the "Related article link" added to the article above.

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    Terry Bradley

    Follow-up:  the canopy-1.5.1-full-win-64.msi installer (full package) does seem to work for all-users installation at this point -- I will note that we have to put the installer into a temp folder locally (installing over the network sometimes fails, even with GigE connection). On occasion, we have encountered the "Account already exists" error, in which case I've had to run the Microsoft Fix-It uninstaller and retry installing Enthought. But, generally, installations are working much more successfully for us - a good thing.

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    Rich Lysakowski

    The installation kit "" worked for me to install for All Users on my local machine, which is Windows 10. I followed the instructions above for command line. The main trick was typing the correct path and kit name. I am patiently waiting for v2.2 so we can have multiple simultaneous environments running 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, etc.

    Keep up the good work Enthought.

    Thanks for the great support Jonathan !!

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    Jonathan March

    Thanks, Rich. Re typing: often it's easiest to `cd` into the Download directory first (e.g `cd C:\Users\myusername\Downloads`, then use Command Prompt's tab-completion to help with entering the filename. Re multiple environments, for the record more info here:

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    Rich Lysakowski

    I spoke too soon. I had a minor issue. AFTER the installation I started Canopy and it gave me an error message dialog

    "Unable to lock package database:


    Please submit a bug report.


    It is running now, but I am getting weird behavior when trying to import third-party packages.

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    Jonathan March

    All, please see above "Please do not enter support requests in article comments. Please use article comments for suggestions to improve the article. For individual support requests, please follow these guidelines." However I see that the guideline link had become stale. I've now updated it (to

    Rich, in light of this, I've trimmed your detailed report above and redirected it to a support request.

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