Canopy's free license: What's the difference?

Canopy's standard license is free to anyone interested in using Canopy. 

This license allows users to download the Canopy application's standard installer, which includes approximately 100+ packages pre-bundled into the installer. It also grants access to all 600+ downloadable packages shown in Canopy's Package Manager in Enthought's "free" package repository. While using Canopy doesn't require a paid subscription, signing up for a free Enthought account, and logging in to Canopy, allows you to file support reports more quickly and consistently, and enables access to Canopy's interactive GUI debugger and variable browser.

Organizations and teams may also purchase a license to Enthought Deployment solutions including the Enthought Deployment Server and multiple Canopy license seats. The Canopy application is the same (and does not need to be reinstalled). Your Canopy login using your Enthought account will enable access to the Canopy Data Import Tool and to your organization's private python & package Deployment Server if it has been set up. It also indicates your access to a higher level of support.


Also, see "When is a Canopy full installer useful, and how much disk space does it require?"

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