Uninstalling and resetting Canopy v1


  • To uninstall Canopy version 2, see this article instead.

  • Note: If you already have Canopy 1.7.4 installed, are having problems and just want to do a clean reset of it, then we suggest just doing a "Full Reset", i.e. steps 4 and 5 from the procedure below. This will be much quicker than a full uninstall & re-install. It only requires deleting some directories, then re-starting Canopy, which will re-create those directories to reset a clean working environment.


Note: If during install you encountered the error "The specified account already exists", please see this article.

1) From the Canopy preferences menu, Unset Canopy as your default Python (this step is not available on very early versions of Canopy). 

2) Restart your computer.

3) Uninstall Enthought Canopy from:

Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP).

Control Panel > Programs and Features (Windows 7, 8, 10, or Vista).

For Windows 8 & 10, be sure to use the Control Panel, and not the System Settings > Apps and Features (which will often fail to uninstall Canopy)

4) For each Canopy user, delete one or more of the directories below, which contain that user's "System" and "User" virtual environments, and any user macros.

  • Deleting "System" removes the environment where the Canopy GUI application runs; it will be re-created the next time that you start Canopy. This is almost always recommended, unless you are using a specialized add-on application such as Virtual Core or Canopy Geo, in which case you might need to reinstall it.
  • Deleting "User" removes all your installed Python packages; it will be re-created with only the packages bundled into the Canopy installer, the next time that you start Canopy. This is usually recommended for a clean starting package set, unless you have many external packages installed, which would be painful for you to re-install manually.
  • Deleting the third directory (the Canopy directory at the first level in your home directory) will remove any Canopy macros which you may have written. It is usually empty, and if it is not, you may want to keep it to preserve any Canopy macros that you have written.
  • Deleting the fourth file (.enstaller4rc in your home directory) will remove some login information, after which you may need to log in again. If this file was corrupted, it may have caused problems.

(For 32-bit Canopy, replace "Canopy" with "Canopy32"):

Note that to see the AppData or Local Settings directories in Windows Explorer, you must set Explorer to show hidden files (Computer / Organize / Folder & Search Options / View / Advanced settings / Show hidden...) 

# Windows 7, 8, 10, or Vista:
# Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Enthought\Canopy\System
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Enthought\Canopy\User
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Canopy
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.enstaller4rc

5) (This step is not normally required, but can be useful if you are having problems and want to do a full reset of your Canopy installation.) Delete the files "locations.cfg" and "preferences.ini" from each user's Canopy configuration / preferences directory.

If problems persist, or for complete Canopy removal, delete this directory entirely; if you do so, the user will lose bookmarks and recent file list.

6) (This step is not needed if you plan to re-install Canopy; it is only needed if you are trying to remove Canopy completely): If you did not do step 1 for whatever reason, then manually delete any of the following keys from your Windows registry, if they refer to Canopy:


7) Remove any references to Canopy from your PATH environment variable. This should already have been done automatically in step (1); also, any such references should be harmless because of step (4), but to avoid future confusion, this is a good time to check. 

From the Windows start menu, open a Command Prompt window, and type the command
path | find /i "canopy"

If you see output from this command, then your PATH contains references to Canopy. Please remove them. The article "Editing environment variables on Windows" may be helpful if this process is unfamiliar to you.

8) Restart your computer.


Note: Sometimes Windows will fail to fully uninstall a program, making it difficult to install a new version or alternative program. To help work around this problem, Microsoft has provided the tiny utility "MsiZap.exe", which can forcibly remove all references to your Canopy installation, from the Windows registry. This utility is freely available as part of the Microsoft Windows SDK, and is also downloadable here for convenience (the MD5 hash of this file is 8a6469cbed9cde987d12f857dba97640). 

MsiZap requires admin privileges to run.

After downloading, do not try to open/run it in your browser or from Windows Explorer (this will accomplish nothing, good or bad). Instead, to run it:

1) Open a Command Prompt window from the Windows Start menu. Type the following commands in this window.

2) Use the CD command to navigate to your download directory. On most systems, typing this will work:

cd %USERPROFILE%\Downloads

3) For a Canopy 64-bit installation (any version number, because the product GUID does not change between versions) type:

msizap T {93D7DF53-FDD4-4270-B83C-1EBC15FA1A87}

Or, for a Canopy 32-bit installation, type:

msizap T {7C13AA42-1B81-4C70-963D-D2772F8D7F33}

In either case, if you still have the Canopy installer file available, you can refer to the installer file instead of specifying the product code. For example:

msizap T canopy-1.5.4-win-64.msi 

If you had installed Canopy "For all users", then you should specify "msizap WT" rather than "msizap T".

4) MsiZap does not remove the Canopy Core environment. To remove this (in addition to deleting the directories described in steps 4 and 5 in the previous section), delete the following (For 32-bit Canopy, replace "Canopy" with "Canopy32"):

# Windows 7, 8, 10, or Vista:

# Windows XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Enthought\Canopy\App 



1) From the Canopy preferences menu, Unset Canopy as your default Python (this step is not available on very early versions of Canopy).

2) Restart your computer.

3) Remove the following directories:

/Applications/Enthought Canopy (64-bit)

4) For each Canopy user, delete one or all of the directories below, which contain that user's "System" and "User" virtual environments, and any user macros.

  • Deleting "System" removes the environment where the Canopy GUI application runs; it will be re-created the next time that you start Canopy. This is almost always recommended, unless you are using a specialized add-on application such as Virtual Core or Canopy Geo, in which case you might need to reinstall it.
  • Deleting "User" removes all your installed Python packages; it will be re-created with only the packages bundled into the Canopy installer, the next time that you start Canopy. This is usually recommended for a clean starting package set, unless you have many external packages installed, which would be painful for you to re-install manually.
  • Deleting the third directory (~/Library/Canopy) will remove any Canopy macros which you may have written. It is usually empty, and if it is not, you may want to keep it to preserve any Canopy macros that you have written.
  • Deleting the fourth file (~/.enstaller4rc) will remove some login information, after which you may need to log in again. If this file was corrupted, it may have caused problems.

(for 32-bit Canopy, replace "64bit" with "32bit"): 


5) (This step is not normally required, but can be useful if you are having problems and want to do a full reset of your Canopy installation.) Delete the files "locations.cfg" and "preferences.ini" from each user's Canopy configuration / preferences directory.

If problems persist, or for complete Canopy removal, delete this directory entirely; if you do so, the user will lose bookmarks and recent file list.

6) If you are uninstalling completely, edit the following files to delete any lines which reference Canopy (usually, the Canopy-related lines will have been commented out by step 1 but on some system configurations the lines might remain):


 7) Restart your computer.



1) From the Canopy preferences menu, Unset Canopy as your default Python (this step is not available on very early versions of Canopy).

2) Restart your computer.

3) Remove the "~/Canopy" directory (or the directory where you installed Canopy).

4) For each Canopy user, delete one or more of the directories or files below, which contain that user's "System" and "User" virtual environments, and any user macros, and some login information.

  • Deleting "System" removes the environment where the Canopy GUI application runs; it will be re-created the next time that you start Canopy. This is almost always recommended, unless you are using a specialized add-on application such as Virtual Core or Canopy Geo, in which case you might need to reinstall it.
  • Deleting "User" removes all your installed Python packages; it will be re-created with only the packages bundled into the Canopy installer, the next time that you start Canopy. This is usually recommended for a clean starting package set, unless you have many external packages installed, which would be painful for you to re-install manually.
  • Deleting the third directory (~/canopy) will remove any Canopy macros which you may have written. It is usually empty, and if it is not, you may want to keep it to preserve any Canopy macros that you have written.
  • Deleting the fourth file (~/.enstaller4rc) will remove some login information, after which you may need to log in again. If this file was corrupted, it may have caused problems.

(for 32-bit Canopy, replace "64bit" with "32bit"): 


5) (This step is not normally required, but can be useful if you are having problems and want to do a full reset of your Canopy installation.) Delete the files "locations.cfg" and "preferences.ini" from each user's~ Canopy configuration / preferences directory.

If problems persist, or for complete Canopy removal, delete this directory entirely; if you do so, the user will lose bookmarks and recent file list.

6) If you are uninstalling completely, edit the following files to delete any lines which reference Canopy (usually, the Canopy-related lines will have been commented out by step 1 but on some system configurations the lines might remain):


 7) Restart your computer.

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Please use article comments for suggestions to improve the article. For individual support requests, please follow these guidelines.

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    Irais Valencia

    How to re-install completely  canopy? Because when I try reinstall does not generate the Enthought directory. Thank you

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    Puneeth Chaganti

    Did you try running Canopy after the install?  The ~/Enthought directory is re-created on first run, not on install. 

  • Avatar
    Irais Valencia

    Thank you for your kind help. The problem have been solved 

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    Christopher Hagmann

    I got rid of all of the files you mentioned (Linux) to prep for a clean re-install. When I re-installed, however, It already had me logged in. How did it know?


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    Puneeth Chaganti

    @Christopher, your username and password are stored in a separate file called ~/.enstaller4rc.  This is a file that enpkg uses, as well.

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    Gab Milch


    I have removed all directories, subdirectories and lines suggested here for Mac OSX, but it still hasn't removed all canopy files, and it still tries to open python files with canopy (pls see screenshot). What do I do now? (I also had previous version of Enthought, that I delted)




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    Jonathan March

    Also delete the preferences directory ~/.canopy. What other Canopy files are you referring to?

    Clearing file associations in OSX is non-trivial, as you will see if you search for "os x clear file association", and we currently do not provide a way to do this, though it clearly would be desireable. You can, however, reset the association of .py files, as described here:


    Thanks for trying Canopy; sorry that it did not meet your needs.

  • Avatar
    Gab Milch

    I deleted ~/.canopy as well earlier, Ok, I guess reset association will have to do. Thanks

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    Jonathan March

    @Bathala (EdX student): Please heed the instructions above, which read as follows:

    "Please do not enter support requests in article comments"

    "Please use article comments for suggestions to improve the article. For individual support requests, please follow  these guidelines."


    When you go to those guidelines, you will see:

    "We encourage edX students to first search for answers and post your questions in the Discussion section at the bottom of your relevant edX Courseware page, so that you and other edX students may learn from each other's experiences. If you cannot find an answer there, you are welcome to post to Stack Overflow as just mentioned. Thank you!"

    I am deleting your question here. Please post it to Stack Overflow.

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    Sebastien CELLES

    On Mac OS X I also have a /Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin directory which also need to be delete.

    because I noticed #PATH="/Library/Frameworks/EPD64.framework/Versions/Current/bin:${PATH}" in .bashrc

  • Avatar
    Jonathan March

    @Sebastien -- To be clear, there was no need to delete the EPD directory; Canopy and EPD and other same-version Pythons can coexist comfortably on Mac OS or Linux (although most Canopy users won't actually need to keep an old EPD directory.) The point, rather, is that you should not have more than one Python distribution on your PATH simultaneously.

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    Jonathan March

    Windows users -- see the new note about Microsoft's useful MsiZap utility: "Note: Sometimes Windows will fail to fully uninstall a program"

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    Paulo Correia

    I had version 1.3.0 installed which worked well till some time ago. Today a I always got the very same error I tried to install version 1.5.5. However canopy does not starts giving the following:

    canopy_data_import package not found
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "build/bdist.macosx-10.6-x86_64/egg/canopy_data_import_addon/plugin.py", line 120, in _verify_user_installation
    File "/home/paulo/Canopy/appdata/canopy-", line 401, in find_latest_package
    raise NoSuchPackage("No package with name {0!r}".format(name))
    NoSuchPackage: No package with name 'canopydataimport'

    [1]+ Falha de segmentação (core dumped) ./canopy

    I deleted .canopy, Enthought, Canopy and canopy folders, but the problem still remains...

    I'm working on Ubuntu 14.04.2

    Can you help me??

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    Jonathan March

    If others have the same problem ("segmentation fault" when starting on Ubuntu), see this article: https://support.enthought.com/hc/en-us/articles/205961400-Canopy-1-5-x-on-Ubuntu-14-04-segmentation-fault-on-startup

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    Jonathan March

    Provided more details about how to run Msizap.exe, for users not familiar with the command prompt.

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    Yunrou Gong

    I followed the instruction except the first one. However, when I open a .py file via Sublime or Xcode, the icon turned out to be canopy. What is worse, when I open a ipython file via jupyter notebook, the terminal said
    "404 GET /nbextensions/canopy/training/exercise.js?v=20160704015835 ( 19.19ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Edx%20Introduction%20of%20Python%20and%20Algorithm/MIT1.03.ipynb"
    ''404 GET /nbextensions/canopy/catalyst.js?v=20160704015835 ( 1.97ms referer=http://localhost:8888/notebooks/Edx%20Introduction%20of%20Python%20and%20Algorithm/MIT1.03.ipynb''
    I cannot understand why the canopy show up here.
    I was so so so sad to see such results.
    Could you help me to figure out the problem?
    I want to get rid of Canopy in my mac.

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    Jonathan March

    Edited step 5 (all platforms) to explicitly recommend deleting configuration directory if problems persist.

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    Jon Moore

    Hi Jonathan,

    The link for the "already exists" page seems not to be working - I see a page with "Oh Crumbs. There's a bit of a problem... For some reason this page isn't available right now ...", even though I am logged in.


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