Standard recommendation - use the standard installer
For almost all Canopy subscribers who have an internet connection, we strongly recommend installing Canopy from the freely available standard Canopy installer.
- The standard installer includes a curated set of the most commonly used 100+ core scientific packages.
- All additional packages in Enthought's package repository can be installed when needed with the Canopy Package Manager.
- The standard installer provides all Canopy features. All logged in users will have access to the interactive debugger and variable browser. Logged-in Canopy subscribers will also have access to the Data Import Tool.
When to use the full installer
Only use the full installer if
- you are on a system that has no internet access, so you'll never be able to use the Package Manager to install additional packages;
- or you are an administrator installing for an advanced group of users who are likely to need non-standard packages, but who will not have permission to use the Package Manager to install additional packages, so you want to give them access to all possible packages in advance.
If this does not apply to you, then the full installer gives you no additional benefit, and will cause you several problems, because this installer bundles about 500 Python packages, most of which no one person will ever use, and some of which are only included for legacy purposes. These problems include:
- The downloaded installer itself takes about 1 GB of disk space, and then the installation takes over 4 GB more.
- You can't do "Update all packages", because the system can't resolve the dependencies of all the legacy packages.
- The list of "Available updates" is not very useful because many of the updates will be for packages that you'll never use.