Have a question? Dig in.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM)
Issues with specific packages
- DLL Load failure when importing sklearn on a recent Windows install
- Import errors doing graphics (e.g. matplotlib) in Ubuntu 20.04
- Error in Linux: "QGtkStyle could not resolve GTK"
- Intel MKL in Enthought Python
- Scikit-learn, Scikit-image, Statsmodels, and Pillow (PIL) naming conventions
- Use Pillow instead of PIL for Python Imaging
Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM)
- ARM Support of Enthought Python
- EDM: "ERROR: The environment hasn't been activated correctly"
- Windows: How to associate different Python files with different Python environments
- Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM) Overview
- Creating an Enthought Python environment on an offline / disconnected / airgapped machine
- Windows - antivirus configuration
Using EDM with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
- Windows error: "activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled ... UnauthorizedAccess"
- Using Enthought Python / EDM with VS Code on a Mac
- Using the Enthought Deployment Manager (EDM) with the Visual Studio Code (VS Code) IDE
- More tips for using VS Code with EDM
- How to cleanly / completely re-install VS Code on Mac
Package installation issues
- Incomplete installation of EDM package bundle
- Linux: error while loading system library (the manylinux specification)
- "UnresolvableRequirements" or "Conflicting requirements" when installing or updating packages
- Windows - packages with long paths may not be installable
- Installing packages into an Enthought Python (EDM-installed) environment
Python Integration Toolkit for LabVIEW
Tips & Techniques
Canopy - End of life (documentation to be reorganized)
Canopy version 2
- Creating a Python 3.6 environment with Canopy 2.1
- Installing Canopy 2 on Linux for classroom/lab use
- Installing a new Canopy version
- Updating from Canopy v1 to Canopy v2
- Uninstalling and resetting Canopy 2
- Make Canopy 2 User Python be your default Python
Introduction to Canopy & FAQs
- "Run" button is greyed out
- Enthought Python Minimum Hardware Requirements
- When is a Canopy full installer useful, and how much disk space does it require?
- Using Jupyter (IPython) Notebooks in Canopy
- Canopy's free license: What's the difference?
- Package Manager requires logging in to install / update packages
Installation and Setup Issues
- Repeated errors starting or updating the Canopy GUI application
- Windows: On some systems, admin users cannot immediately install "for all users"
- Accessing environment variables from QtConsole or Canopy
- Windows: Canopy shortcut in Start menu doesn't do anything
- Canopy GUI setup requires extra steps when user's home path contains non-ASCII characters
Canopy version 2 Known Issues
- Linux: Pylab mode will not start in Canopy IPython Prompt
- Matplolib Figures won't display - TypeError: 'figure' is an unknown keyword argument
- Canopy 2 - failure during runtime or package installation
- Canopy Crashes When Clicking Editor Button
- Python package requires newer version of libgfortran
- Canopy 2.1 Known Issues
Issues with Specific Packages - Canopy Legacy
- macOS Crash When Opening Editor or Importing gdbm
- Bokeh plots don't show up in Jupyter Notebook
- Matplotlib 1.5.1: Font Cache Warning
- Unable to run wxPython 3.0.x on Ubuntu (e.g. using wx as matplotlib backend)
- IPython won't run in Terminal after package update
- Linux (non-RHEL): Python code fails to connect to https, with certificate errors
Advanced Canopy Topics
- Building Python extensions for Enthought Python
- Using Canopy's interactive Python debugger and variable browser
- Jupyter / IPython: After editing a module, changes are not effective without kernel restart
- How do I set PYTHONPATH and other environment variables for Canopy?
- Using Canopy Behind a Proxy Firewall
- Running a Qt program from the Canopy GUI